
Welcome to Mr. Awesome's blog: Whateves. Full of mindless rants and helpful tips on every day life schtuff.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Yea, that's right, this guy named Mr. Awesome has a blog, big woop, wanna have a fight about it? Cause I don't, I am too lazy!
          Many people wonder about what the meaning of life is, and throughout my blogging journey you will learn about my point of view on................na, just kidding. Could you imagine? Ok, but seriously, I don't know what I would do without music. When you are upset, happy, confused, zany, dorfunkled, bamboozled, catywompus, alkfjhflag, and any other emotion or made up word you can think of it all circles back to music. When life gives you bad and scary bridges that you don't want to cross, cross it with music, then slowly set it aflame ;). So yea, music is awesome. As is movies. And TV. And video games. And vacation. What was I talking about? Music, right. It rocks.

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