
Welcome to Mr. Awesome's blog: Whateves. Full of mindless rants and helpful tips on every day life schtuff.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Holidays: Days of Holy. Is That What It Means? I Don't Know, Do You? Woops, Still In The Title Bar......And It's Marketing. 

          Holidays are fun. You get to be with the people you love, get long weekends or breaks, and get gifts most of the time. Now though, holidays have become such a marketing blitz and all about money. And what gets even worse is when you have a loved one who has a birthday ON a holiday. THAT'S when things get crazy (haha, just kidding family member which may be reading this). Seriously though, I mean think about it, if it wasn't for companies making apparel and chocolates for Valentines Day, we probably wouldn't even celebrate it! The same thing is with Halloween, I mean seriously, who even knows what in the world it's about?! Well, I do, but odds are 40% of the worlds next generation doesn't have the slightest clue. Just like a certain overweight father on a popular cartoon show. Haha, he is so funny, gladiator mice, HA! Sorry, no I'm not, or am I? The mystery continues next week! By kids! The important thing is to remember thing is to remember why we really celebrate holidays, especially Christmas, and to not fall into the marketing of it all. Just listen to Charlie Brown. Remember, with great holidays, comes great music. Which ROCKS!

Fun Fact:  Haha, just kidding, what a nerd would I be if I did that!


  1. As much as I agree with you I still love Halloween because it's a good tradition people celebrated way back in time. And yeah marketing is a big part but where would are market be without it. Honestly our market depends on the holidays.

  2. Ok, harmony, I know you so if you wanna tell me that, text me :P
